Privacy Policy

Kings Beach Surf Club


This Privacy Policy applies to personal information collected by Mets on Kings – The Caloundra Surf Club as part of the ID Scanner System operating at this venue.

We must comply with the Australian Government’s privacy laws and the Australian Privacy Principles. Personal information is defined in these laws, and for the purposes of this policy, the information scanned from your photo ID includes personal information.

This policy describes how we will meet our obligations under the privacy laws and sets out our commitment to protect your personal information collected as part of the ID scanner process.


Consideration of personal information privacy

1. Open and transparent management of personal information

When scanning your ID we collect your personal information to meet our obligations under the Queensland liquor laws. This personal information consists of, and is limited to:

· – your name.

· – your date of birth.

· – the photograph appearing on your photo ID.

· – your signature.

All personal information is securely held and managed at this venue and by our approved operator Infosign Pty Limited. Our approved operator is also subject to the Australian Government’s privacy laws.


2. Anonymity and pseudonymity

By law, we must operate our ID scanners during our service hours.

During these times, you cannot enter our venue without your identification being scanned. An exception applies if you are exempted under the Liquor Act from this requirement.

The only identification accepted is current photo ID as follows:

– an Australian driver licence or learner permit

– an adult proof of age card

– a recognised proof of age card (e.g. Keypass identity card)

– a passport (from any country)

– a foreign driver licence (displaying the name, photo and date of birth of the licence holder). Note: Where a foreign driver licence is not written in English, an international driver permit issued in the foreign country of origin (and including a photo of the licence holder and translation) should be presented with the foreign driver licence.

It is an offence for a person to use false ID to gain entry into our venue. The maximum penalty of 40 penalty units applies.


Collection of personal information

3. Collection of solicited personal information

We are required by law to scan your photo ID prior to letting you into our venue, unless you are exempt under the Liquor Act. We must refuse entry if you choose not to produce your photo ID, or if you have been issued with a banning order that applies to this premises.

The information collected by us is used strictly for safety and security purposes to identify if you have been issued with a current banning order or licensee ban. The information may also be used to create a licensee ban from this venue.


4. Dealing with unsolicited personal information

The ID scanner system does not collect or use unsolicited personal information.


5. Notification of the collection of personal information

Our staff will alert you to the ID scanner requirements prior to scanning your photo ID.

Your personal information will only be scanned in your presence.</p >

We must also:

· Make this privacy policy publicly available and provide you with a copy if you request to see it

· Display notification of the personal information to be collected under the ID scanner requirements at each public entrance to our venue, and the conditions and requirements related to such (referred to as a ‘Collection Notice’).

All of our staff operating ID scanners can answer your questions about our venue’s privacy policy.


Dealing with personal information

6. Use or disclosure of personal information


Your personal information will be stored at our venue and by our approved operator in a way that protects it from unauthorized access, modification, and disclosure.

The venue and our approved operator have access to your personal information for the purpose of maintaining the system and responding to lawful requests from a law enforcement agency.

If you have been issued with a banning order or licensee ban, the approved operator will alert us to these bans. If you are subject to police or court-ordered ban for this venue, we cannot allow you to enter the premises.


7. Direct marketing

The personal information held by this venue is not used or disclosed for the purpose of direct marketing.


8. Cross-border disclosure of personal information

Your personal information is securely managed and held by Mets on Kings and our system provider, Info Sign. This information will not be transferred in a readable format outside of Australia.


9. Adoption, use, or disclosure of government-related identifiers

Government-issued identifiers such as passport numbers are not collected or used as part of the ID scanner system.


Integrity of personal information

10. Quality of personal information

We rely on the information provided to us by you to be accurate and current.

When we scan your photo ID, our staff will ensure the accuracy of the scanned information by comparing it with the information contained on your photo ID.


11. Security of personal information

We take steps to ensure that your personal information is not misused. Data is stored in a secure environment, and all data communications are encrypted.

Your personal information is automatically and permanently deleted from the ID scanner system 30 days after it was collected. However, information on banned persons will be held in the system for the period of the ban, which may exceed 30 days.


Access to, and correction of, personal information

12. Access to personal information

You have the right to request access to what personal information is held about you. You can contact us or our approved operator to request this information.

You will need to provide photo ID before any information can be released. Some exceptions apply, such as where access would be likely to interfere with criminal matters or other breaches of the law.


13. Correction of personal information

You can contact us and ask to correct the personal information that is held about you.

We will require satisfactory proof and/or explanation of the inaccuracy before we consider correcting your personal information.


Contacts and complaints

If you believe we have breached your privacy, or if you want to raise any issues you may have about privacy at our venue, please contact us by the following methods:


Kings Beach Surf Club

Address: 1 Spender Lane, Kings Beach.

Phone: (07) 5491 8418


Infosign Pty Limited

Address: PO Box 13, Annandale NSW 2038

Phone: 1300 850 221



In making a complaint to us about privacy, please give us enough details to be able to identify your concerns and respond appropriately. You must provide us with your name and contact details and a description of your complaint. We will respond to you in a reasonable time frame (usually not more than 30 days).

We are also required by law to notify the Queensland Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation within 14 days of any written complaint by you about a breach of privacy.

If you are unhappy with how we handle the complaint or do not receive a response within 30 days, you have a right to take the complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.


Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

Phone: 1300 363 992

